➽૩Ձ... ChaChaDee! -Miyu Shape By Lissi Krell...

Heya Y'all

Long time no see :P 
Today i'm Posting a Shape Made by Lissi Krell (ChaChaDee) 
When i saw it for the first time i fell in luv with it right away, but back then it was a preview that i saw on her flickr album..
I went to her shop to check out what kinda shape she had, and one by one the look gorgeous :)
Thx Lissi u rock!! 
and I'm sure you Gonna have allot of success with your shapes



  1. Hi Nikii!
    I love your blog and your style! You are very talented!
    Searching through your blog, I found the amazing Music is Life tattoo.
    I searched in SL and in Google, but I didn't found the store.
    Do you know if it is closed?
    Thanks a lot and congrats to the amazing blog! <3


  2. Hi Gaby

    Thank for the compliments I'm glad u like what I'm doing :D

    About the Music is Life Tattoo..
    I have searched too but can't find a shop or marketplace, i think he closed it..
    The only thing i can give you the creator name
    Here... > seito setsuko.. Maybe He can help you get the tattoo ^^

    Greetz Nikii <3
